Date and Time
Thursday Apr 4, 2024
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
April 4, 2024 from 4 to 6 pm
Funspot, Weirs Beach, NH
Contact Information
Shirley Freeman 978-846-0212
Maddison Foss-Cormier 603-630-7585
Kim McPherson 603-230-0172
Donna McLelland 603-524-9647
Send Email
Would you be willing to contribute to make this 5th Birthday celebration a success? Your donation will help provide a memorable experience for the Bigs and Littles of Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Hampshire's Lakes Region operations as they come together to celebrate their 5th Birthday Party. Bigs and Littles are invited to join us for an evening of pizza, bowling and games at Funspot on April 4th. Each Big and Little will depart with a special “birthday gift” comprising an activity and a gift card for a shared activity. Any support you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering making a donation to help us make this event complete.