Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 9, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, April 9th, 6–7 PM
Walter's Basin 859 US Rte. 3 Holderness, NH 03245
Free admission, food and drinks not included.
Contact Information
(603) 968-7336
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Enjoy a casual evening learning about and discussing science topics over food and drinks at Walter’s Basin. Co-sponsored by three partner organizations, Squam Lakes Conservation Society, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, the goal of Science Pub is to engage the community in thoughtful conversation about the world around us. The 2024 Winter Science Pub series focuses on Local-ologies, exploring various branches of knowledge in our local area. Limn-Ology: The Fascinating Lives Of Lakes Andrea LaMoreaux, President & Policy Advocate, NH LAKES Limnologists study lakes! NH is home to 1,000 lakes and each has a life of its own. Find out about the fascinating lives of lakes and learn about some strange and wacky things, too. Bring your questions and stories about wild and wacky things you’ve seen in our lakes! SPACE IS LIMITED. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.