About Us
MISSION: To attract and retain more young people in New Hampshire.
Stay Work Play NH (SWP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that was established in 2009 to further the 55% Initiative, support and advance several recommendations made by the Governor’s Task Force for the Recruitment and Retention of a Young Workforce for New Hampshire and serve as an independent organization to run a website and associated marketing effort regarding what New Hampshire can offer to the 20 and 30 year old demographic in terms of staying, working, and playing here. New Hampshire is a great state in which to live, ranking very highly in terms of health, safety, low taxes, personal income, and livability. Most individuals who attend college here or visit from another state recall positive experiences vacationing or exploring New Hampshire. They also want to stay or return here later in life. But currently, only about half of the state’s college graduates actually do stay.
Stay Work Play’s new, impact-driven strategic plan (2019 – 2021) has as its foundation the results of our December 2017 survey on the factors that young people take into consideration when making the decision to stay in, or leave, New Hampshire. Also informing the plan are insights from members of the Stay Work Play Board of Advisors, the state’s young professionals networks, and other business and community partners.