Town/City Offices
7:30 a.m to 4:00 p.m
About Us
The Town of Belmont is located in the southern portion of New Hampshire's Lakes Region in Belknap County. The Village Area, located at the intersections of Laconia (State Route 106) and Gilmanton Roads (State Route 140) is four miles from Exit 20 Interstate I-93, seven miles south of Laconia and twenty-four miles north of Concord.
Initially incorporated in 1727 as a part of the nearby town of Gilmanton, Belmont was separated by an act of the Legislature in 1859 and adopted the name, Belmont, in 1869 (Charter Info). It was home to William Badger who served as NH Governor for two consecutive terms beginning in 1834.
The current population is 7,300 (2016 OEP Est), although the seasonal influx of temporary residents during both the summer and winter recreational seasons greatly increases that number. Belmont contains 30.2 square miles of land area and 1.8 square miles of inland water area. NHES Community Profile
Nineteen miles of State highways and sixty-five miles of Town highways provide excellent transportation routes throughout the community. Three Town highways have also been designated as Scenic Roads and municipal water and sewer serve the population centers; sewer also extends along most of the lakefront area.
Like much of New Hampshire, Belmont's history centers on the flowage of the Tioga River and the mills that clustered along its banks. The Town Seal indicates the importance that this industry played in Belmont's past.
