Community AdvocatesNon-Profit
About Us
The WOW Trail's mission is to promote, design, build and maintain a nine mile recreation path within the State of NH owned railroad right-of-way in the City of Laconia as a part of the regional rail trail network that will one day connect Meredith to Franklin and NH's Northern Rail Trail. Currently 1.3 miles in length, the trail spans from Elm Street in Lakeport to North Main Street near downtown Laconia. A portion of the trail, located between Bisson Avenue and Lyford Street, is adjacent to Messer Street on a widened sidewalk. Well loved and well-used by walkers, runners and bikers, Phase 1 of the WOW Trail has fast become a unifying landmark and point of pride for the CIty of Laconia. Construction is currently underway for two additional phases of the regional trail, which will extend it another 3.2 miles from North Main Street in Laconia to just shy of the Mosquito Bridge in Belmont. The WOW Trail will transform the State of New Hampshire-owned railroad corridor into a vibrant, year-round public recreation space for all residents and visitors to enjoy, bringing with it the economic impact that rail trail communities around the country now enjoy.